
India Encounters Mixed Trade Fortunes with Surplus and Deficit Across Global Partners

Published September 1, 2024

India's international trade landscape reveals a complex picture of economic relations, marked by a substantial trade surplus with as many as 151 countries, while facing a trade deficit with 75 nations during the first six months of the current year. This data has been released by the Global Trade Research Initiative (GTRI), providing a nuanced view into India's global trade dynamics.

Economic Relations with a Trade Surplus

Among the countries where India has achieved a trade surplus, key economies include the United States and the Netherlands. These positive trade balances reflect the competitive edge of Indian exports in various sectors, bolstering India's economic presence on the global stage. Sustained efforts to enhance export capabilities have been pivotal in cementing these favorable trade positions.

Confronting a Trade Deficit

Conversely, India has registered a trade deficit with 75 nations, with China and Russia being notable examples. The trade deficit highlights the challenges faced by India in sectors where imports outweigh exports, emphasizing the need for strategic trade policies to mitigate such imbalances and promote sustainable economic growth.

trade, surplus, deficit