Royal Gold, Inc. Insider Selling Report
Royal Gold, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGLD - Get Free Report) has made headlines recently as Senior Vice President Randy Shefman sold 1,300 shares of the company's stock on Monday, March 17th. The sale was executed at an average price of $154.98 per share, amounting to a total transaction value of $201,474. Following this sale, Shefman now holds 9,360 shares of Royal Gold, which are currently valued at approximately $1,450,612.80. This transaction indicates a 12.20% reduction in Shefman's stake in the company. Details of this sale were made public in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that can be viewed here.
Stock Performance Overview
On Monday, Royal Gold's stock experienced a slight increase of 0.6%, trading up $0.89 and reaching a price of $155.09 during midday sessions. The trading volume for the stock hit 410,061 shares, surpassing its daily average trading volume of 366,228. The company boasts a market capitalization of around $10.20 billion and has a price-to-earnings ratio of 30.77, as well as a PEG ratio of 3.42. Its beta stands at 0.84, demonstrating relatively lower volatility compared to the market. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $144.71 and a 200-day moving average price of $143.45, with its 52-week range spanning a low of $107.33 to a high of $157.67.
Recent Earnings Report
Royal Gold recently shared its quarterly earnings report on February 12th. The company recorded earnings per share (EPS) of $1.63, exceeding analyst expectations, which forecasted an EPS of $1.46. The firm enjoys a robust net margin of 46.15% and a return on equity (ROE) of 11.46%. Analysts project that Royal Gold will generate an earnings per share of 6.2 for the current financial year.
Dividend Announcement
Furthermore, Royal Gold announced a quarterly dividend of $0.45 per share, which will be distributed on Thursday, April 17th. Shareholders registered as of Friday, April 4th, are eligible to receive this dividend. The dividend yield reflects an annualized amount of $1.80, translating to a yield of 1.16%. Additionally, the company's dividend payout ratio is set at 35.71%.
Analyst Ratings
In terms of analyst insights, Jefferies Financial Group recently upgraded Royal Gold from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating, increasing their price target from $154.00 to $178.00 in a report issued on January 7th. Currently, the stock has mixed ratings, with one analyst recommending a sell, three suggesting a hold, and five advising a buy. The average consensus rating stands at "Hold," with a target price averaging $168.86.
Institutional Investments
Several institutional investors have recently adjusted their stakes in Royal Gold. For instance, the Arizona State Retirement System increased its position by 0.8%, now owning 19,076 shares valued at $2,515,000. Similarly, the Bank of Montreal upgraded its stake by 187.5%, now holding 127,285 shares worth $18,049,000 after purchasing an additional 83,015 shares. Other notable investors such as Verition Fund Management LLC and Cerity Partners LLC have also enhanced their holdings in the company. Collectively, 83.65% of Royal Gold's stock is owned by institutional investors.
Company Overview
Royal Gold, Inc., along with its subsidiaries, specializes in acquiring and managing interests in precious metal streams and royalties. The company focuses on acquiring stream and royalty interests or financing projects that are either in production, development, or exploration phases, primarily in exchange for interests related to gold, silver, copper, and other metals.
The insider selling activity by SVP Randy Shefman raises questions for investors, and it's essential for shareholders to monitor such transactions closely as they can provide insight into the executives' perspectives on the company's future performance.
Insider, Selling, Shares