Lion Co. Sees Notable Decrease in Short Interest
Lion Co. (OTCMKTS:LIOPF - Get Free Report) experienced a substantial drop in short interest throughout December. As of December 15th, the total short interest amounted to 209,000 shares, representing a significant decrease of 28.4% from the previous month's total of 292,000 shares recorded on November 30th. Given the average trading volume of 0 shares, the days-to-cover ratio currently stands at ∞ days.
Performance of Lion Stock
On Friday, Lion's stock traded flat at $11.20. The company's 50-day simple moving average is positioned at $10.10, while the 200-day simple moving average is at $9.10. Notably, Lion has a 52-week low and high both reaching $11.20. The firm holds a market capitalization of $3.10 billion, with a price-to-earnings ratio of 24.89 and a beta of 0.21.
About Lion Corporation
Lion Corporation specializes in the manufacturing and sale of consumer and industrial products both in Japan and globally. The company operates through three business segments: Consumer Products Business, Industrial Products Business, and Overseas Business. It offers a wide range of dental and oral care items, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash, and more. Additionally, Lion produces body care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hand soaps, and various skin care products.
Considerations for Investors
Before investing in Lion, potential investors may want to evaluate other available options.
Market analysts frequently track and recommend top-performing stocks daily. Currently, Lion is rated as a "Hold" among analysts, with some of them suggesting that there are five stocks that present a better buying opportunity at this time.
For those interested in exploring these stocks, further information can be found.
Lion, Stock, Finance