CI Global Asset Management Announces Additional Reinvested Distributions

Published December 31, 2024

CI Global Asset Management (CI GAM) has recently made an announcement regarding the reinvestment of distributions related to certain exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This announcement is crucial for unit holders as it highlights the details of the upcoming reinvested distributions.

The reinvested distributions, often referred to as "Reinvested Distributions," will be applied on or about January 2, 2025. This will benefit unitholders whose records show ownership as of December 30, 2024.

These distributions are an addition to the annual reinvested capital gains distributions that were already disclosed the previous day. It's essential to note that these reinvested distributions will not be disbursed as cash to investors. Instead, they will be automatically reinvested, and the resulting units will undergo immediate consolidation. This process ensures that the total number of units each investor holds remains unchanged.

Details of the Reinvested Distributions

In the distribution announcement, CI GAM outlined specific funds and their corresponding reinvested distribution amounts. Here are the funds affected:

Fund NameTrading SymbolReinvested Distribution Amount (to be reinvested and consolidated)Distribution %
CI Munro Global Growth Equity Fund (ETF Series)CMGG$0.18000.53%
CI Energy Giants Covered Call ETF (Unhedged Common Units)NXF.B$0.01000.14%
CI U.S. MidCap Dividend Index ETF (Hedged Units)UMI$0.08330.25%

About CI Global Asset Management

CI Global Asset Management stands as one of Canada’s most prominent investment management firms, providing a diverse range of investment products and services to investors. The company is a subsidiary of CI Financial Corp., which manages total assets amounting to approximately $532.7 billion as of November 30, 2024.

Investing in mutual funds and ETFs can involve various costs, including commissions and management fees. Therefore, it is advisable for potential investors to review the prospectus before making any investment decisions. It's worth noting that mutual funds and ETFs carry no guarantees, and their value can fluctuate over time. Additionally, investors should be mindful that they may incur brokerage fees when purchasing or selling ETF units on recognized exchanges.

The purpose of this communication is to inform investors about the reinvested distributions and not to serve as an investment offer. Investors are encouraged to seek professional advice tailored to their specific investment needs.

For more information, please visit CI Global Asset Management's website at

investment, ETFs, distributions