
Smartmatic Accuses OAN Executives of Possible Criminal Activity Tied to Election Falsehoods

Published January 30, 2024

In the wake of the contested 2020 U.S. presidential election, a pro-Trump media network is facing serious allegations from election technology company Smartmatic. It's been alleged that executives of One America News Network (OAN) may have engaged in criminal activities as they propagated misleading narratives about the integrity of the election. Despite the absence of credible evidence, OAN persistently aired falsities suggesting electoral fraud, which Smartmatic claims could lead to severe legal repercussions for those involved at OAN.

The Aftermath of the 2020 Election Controversies

The contentious 2020 election led to a flurry of conspiracy theories and baseless accusations, with some media outlets supporting the claims that the election was stolen from former President Trump. OAN was amongst those media channels that amplified the misinformation, much of which has been debunked by numerous lawsuits and audits validating the election's outcomes. Smartmatic's accusation posits that by disseminating these falsehoods, OAN executives not only misinformed the public but potentially crossed into illegal conduct.

Implications for Media Accountability

Smartmatic's allegations bring to light the critical issue of media accountability, especially given the potential influence of false information on democratic processes. If proven, the allegation that OAN executives engaged in criminal activities through their broadcasting could set a significant precedent for how media organizations should responsibly handle the dissemination of information, particularly information pertaining to election integrity. As these developments unfold, the reach of such implications could extend well beyond the media industry, possibly affecting public trust and the broader political landscape.

Legal and Market Considerations

Should the allegations against OAN executives lead to legal actions, there could be far-reaching implications for the market. Currently, it remains uncertain how these allegations may affect any related stock tickers, but investors tend to be skittish about legal uncertainties and companies involved in high-profile controversies. Transparency and legality in operations are critical for maintaining stakeholder trust and ensuring a stable market environment. Thus, the situation bears close watching by all market participants.

Smartmatic, OAN, Election